Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Who wears ties in Tampa?

Tuesday's game:
The Washingtons vs. The Tampas

Boudreau's tie vs. Boucher's tie

Hockey coaches and their assistant coaches!

Game 3 and both coaches are looking smart in their couture. Guy Boucher's gray on gray on black looks sharp, I really like it! He keeps his coat buttoned and his tie is deceptively design savvy with an understated textured pattern.

Bruce is again wearing one of my favorite color combinations with the purple/blue/silver tie paired with a light blue shirt and gray suit. Shirt still has that weird wrinkle on the right though!

Boucher wins though for the subtle play on gray.

Winner: Guy Boucher

Bruce's playoff record: 6-2

Bruce's overall record: 13-4

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Semi-Tie-nals, Game 2

Sunday's game:
The Washingtons vs. The Tampas

Boudreau's tie vs. Boucher's tie

Guy Boucher should really live in Washington, he is one conservative dresser! So I'm sure you've noticed his scar, right? Impressive. According to The Internet it is NOT hockey related, so for my own entertainment I'm going to assume it's Tie related, but how?

Bruce is wearing one of his favorite winning ties. It looks best with the purple shirt, but he still wins.

Play off hockey is tough!

Winner: Bruce

Bruce's playoff record: 6-1

Bruce's overall record: 13-3