Wednesday's game:
*There are two New York teams, thus I must distinguish the teams by the location in New York where they play. For the quarter final playoffs the team playing is The New Yorks (Madison Squares).
FACT: Washington's populace is less fashionable then New York's denizens. As Washingtonian's we know this, it is reinforced by news and magazine articles telling us how conservative Washington, D.C., is, how drearily-suited the men are, and how women dress like men would dress if they were women. Got it, we are less better than New York.
But here's Washington's chance!
Can Bruce show the New Yorks that he can "Rock the Tie"?
Tonight he does! Neither of the coaches' ties are particularly snazzy, but Bruce's orange and yellow crisscross with detailed pattern within the crisscross outshines Tortorella's tie. It's an interesting color, pattern, and is unexpected: orange for the first quarterfinal game? Who expected red? I certainly did, but a fashion forward coach tries something different.
John Tortorella's tie reminds me entirely too much of a chess board. It's drab, but matches his fake tan, black hair, and salt-and-pepper beard a little too closely. And please, button your coat! Where are you? At a happy hour? Fixing a flat tire? This is The Hockey, you are on TV, and you need to look your best.
Winner: Bruce
Bruce's playoff record: 1-0
Bruce's overall record: 8-2
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